The LVW-Series with new CPC-Vibration technique

The LVW-Series with new CPC-Vibration technique

The LVW-Series with new CPC-Vibration technique CPC allows a controlled vibration start under burden and an active stop,  both with a speed of 60 ms, as well as an ideal vibration behaviour during the whole welding process.In combination with the double coil technique, the efficiency is more than 50 % higher than with traditional vibration techniques. Process times are 30 – 40 % shorter with a simultaneous decrease in the appearance of lint. An active slow down avoids furthermore the mechanical burden on the weld line during the cooling process.
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Name : DR-Sonic Engineering Co., Ltd.
Contact : DR- Sonic
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The LVW-Series with new CPC-Vibration technique

CPC allows a controlled vibration start under burden and an active stop,  both with a speed of 60 ms, as well as an ideal vibration behaviour during the whole welding process.In combination with the double coil technique, the efficiency is more than 50 % higher than with traditional vibration techniques. Process times are 30 – 40 % shorter with a simultaneous decrease in the appearance of lint. An active slow down avoids furthermore the mechanical burden on the weld line during the cooling process.
