Iso Kote Adhesive

Iso Kote Adhesive

Iso Kote is a product of Flintkote ny adding special binder to this adhesive to increase adhesion property to the metal surface preventing insulation not to loose out or leave the space. It is suitable for fiberglass insulation, rockwool insulation and polystyrene foam to insulate air-conditioning ductwork and chilled water piping system.   Packing size:  Net weight  15 kgs. / Tin
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Name : บริษัท ดีเอสวี เอ็นจิเนียริ่ง จำกัด
Contact : ถนอม เมืองจันทร์
Tel : Please login.

Iso Kote is a product of Flintkote ny adding special binder to this adhesive to increase adhesion property to the metal surface preventing insulation not to loose out or leave the space. It is suitable for fiberglass insulation, rockwool insulation and polystyrene foam to insulate air-conditioning ductwork and chilled water piping system.


Packing size:  Net weight  15 kgs. / Tin
