Vacuum Pad / Suction Cup

Vacuum Pad / Suction Cup

We understand that customers require a wide range of suction cups varying in different shapes, sizes, materials, and configuration to fit your application needs. Our wide range of suction cups will allow you to get the right type of solution suited for your application. The standard pads ranges from 2mm to 400mm in diameter with lifting forces up to 1,300kg at -90 kPa. Our suction cups are manufactured to very high standards because we know that quality matters.   Contact Sales - Tel. 02 907 3530
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Company Information
Name : Union Tech Engineering Co.,Ltd.
Contact : ยูเนี่ยน เทค เอ็นจิเนียริ่ง
Tel : Please login.

We understand that customers require a wide range of suction cups varying in different shapes, sizes, materials, and configuration to fit your application needs. Our wide range of suction cups will allow you to get the right type of solution suited for your application. The standard pads ranges from 2mm to 400mm in diameter with lifting forces up to 1,300kg at -90 kPa. Our suction cups are manufactured to very high standards because we know that quality matters.


Contact Sales - Tel. 02 907 3530
