Vacuum Gripper

Vacuum Gripper

Picking up objects with different shapes, sizes, and/or porous materials can be challenging. The V-Grip has been integrated with our highly efficient VMECA Vacuum Cartridge. Also, flexible soft durable foam can grip even and uneven surface objects without a hassle. The V-Grip offers options such as an adjustable check valve where you are able to adjust it from off, low, medium, high, and max flow settings. The V-Grip has been designed with a lightweight aluminum body frame, has slots for easy installation, and requires very low maintenance. สอบถามรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติม ติดต่อฝ่ายขาย โทร. 081-359-2015 , 02-907-3530 
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Company Information
Name : Union Tech Engineering Co.,Ltd.
Contact : ยูเนี่ยน เทค เอ็นจิเนียริ่ง
Tel : Please login.

Picking up objects with different shapes, sizes, and/or porous materials can be challenging. The V-Grip has been integrated with our highly efficient VMECA Vacuum Cartridge. Also, flexible soft durable foam can grip even and uneven surface objects without a hassle. The V-Grip offers options such as an adjustable check valve where you are able to adjust it from off, low, medium, high, and max flow settings. The V-Grip has been designed with a lightweight aluminum body frame, has slots for easy installation, and requires very low maintenance.

สอบถามรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติม ติดต่อฝ่ายขาย โทร. 081-359-2015 , 02-907-3530 
